Random Facts: Lobster

Scientists believe that lobsters do not get old and could potentially live indefinitely, since their organs do not degenerate.

Atlantic Lobster does not feel pain when he immersed into hot water due to its decentralized nervous system (it has no brain, just a series of ganglia).

The Atlantic Lobster does not have any vocal cords and contrary to rumor it does not scream. The sound we hear when boiling lobster is only the steam escaping from the shell.

Also known as autotomy, lobsters can regenerate appendages lost to predation. This would include their claws, legs, antennules and antennae.

Cannibalistic? Lobsters were once accused of being cannibalistic to their own species because of lobster shell found in their gut. It is now believed that the shell material was simply discarded shell from moulting.

Lobster teeth. Lobsters do have teeth, however instead of being found in the mouth they are found in the stomach.

Foot Buds? Along with the mouth parts, lobster has taste organs located in the feet.

(facts courtesy of www.atlanticlobster.ca)

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